(*Prices shown apply to orders created or modified using our online designer. Savings on orders designed “by us” does not apply. Free shipping in the US only. )
101+ Drop Card Ideas for Newbies
Everyone has their favorite technique. Above are just a few. When you place your BILL-BOARD order today, you’ll receive a (FREE) copy of 101+ Drop Card Ideas for Newbies- a $20 value! Packed with over one hundred great ideas were to drop, place and to use for the best marketing reach possible. It will excite and motivate you so much; you won’t sleep for a week!
Our price includes shipping costs. After your order is custom printed and die-cut, it is professionally packaged and shipped from our print shop located in Bunnell, FL using United States Parcel Service. We ship on Saturdays, too. It’s good to know you’re not paying extra for shipping! (Free shipping in the US only)
- Top Quality Cardstock!
- Professionally Printed Using State of the Art Equipment!
- Exclusive Die-Cut Shape With Interlocking Tab & Slot!
… I just received my order today and had to let you know they are above and beyond my expectations … They look so real and are really professionally made. I think they are even printed on better paper than my business card!