New Order - Proof Approved Proof Approved For Printing - Make PaymentONLY USE THIS FORM ... If you have "already" received a proof from us (and) you have approved that proof for printing. All that is left is for you now is to make payment so that we can print.Your Name First Last Name of the person whom we have been corresponding during the proof process. Please note: Payment can be done via under another person or company name, however, that information will be collected in another field.Choose Which Style Bill:*Previous BillCurrent Bill (now in circulation)We offer two styles of $100 bills; The previously circulated bill or the new style bill currently being minted (blueish) -- Same price.Other Instructions?Is there something additional we need to know? If so, tell us here.Quantity250 Drop Cards500 Drop Cards1000 Drop Cards Free Shipping! Included w/Purchase Copy of 101 Dropcard Ideas for Newbies ($19.95 Value!)